PTIRU Designated – VanArts is designated by the Private Training Institutions Regulatory Unit (PTIRU) within the System Integrity Branch (SIB) of the Ministry of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills. PTIRU regulates private training institutions in British Columbia and provides consumer protection to students. View our Designation Certificate.
EQA Designated – The Education Quality Assurance (EQA) designation is British Columbia’s brand for quality post-secondary education.
The EQA designation is also used to promote B.C. as an education destination of choice and enables both domestic and international students to easily recognize institutions that meet or exceed quality assurance standards that government recognizes.
EduCanada Brand Authorized – EduCanada is a brand that supports the international education offer of Canadian provinces and territories. EduCanada and the leaf design is a trademark of the Government of Canada and is subject to a Master Licence Agreement between the Council of Ministers of Education, Canada (CMEC), and Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD).