VanArts News Article

Fun and Inspiration on Story Masterclass Tour

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A frenzy of fun, inspiration and creativity ensued at our summer tour of masterclasses with artists from PIXAR Animation Studios, and it was awesome!

Hundreds of animation & story students, professionals and enthusiasts joined us for these events with PIXAR Story Supervisor Matthew Luhn and Story Artist Valerie LaPointe in New York City, Toronto and Los Angeles. VanArts has been hosting these special classes all over the world since 2008, but this was the first time we changed up the format to include an interactive workshop day in story development. Also new this time was Valerie sharing the amazing work that she did as a Story Artist on Pixar’s latest hit INSIDE OUT (and the influence she had on the character of Joy). At the workshop, students worked in groups to develop a premise, story and beat board pitch for a feature film, all in one day. It was mind-boggling, and incredibly inspiring for all who joined us. 

Check out our VANARTS MASTERCLASS FACEBOOK PAGE for more photos and Instagram for photos & videos behind the scenes. 

But wait, there’s more!  

Registration is now open for our FALL MASTERCLASS TOUR, featuring the Co-Director/Writer of INSIDE OUT Ronnie del Carmen, Story Artists Rej Bourdages & Nathan Stanton with Directing Animator Andrew Gordon.

Read all about it and register HERE