VanArts News Article

Photography Grad Loves New Career

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VanArts Digital Photography graduate Lori Johnson has shared with us her story about how her career has blossomed and how VanArts helped her get there.

“I am just closing off my first full year of business as a professional photographer, and I don’t believe it could have gone any better. When I first graduated, I was a bit intimidated since I had several years of business experience, but still new at photography. But seeing the competition gave me the drop of confidence I needed to launch my business and get myself out there. With each job, I became more and more confident.

Drawing on training, tips and experience from VanArts, I have shot billboards & bus wraps, shot for newspapers, websites, marketing material, and the list goes on. I’ve billed out enough to sustain my business in the first year, and feel confident I can double that in the next year. Because of the training I’ve had, I am not afraid to take any job, because at VanArts, we were shown how to do just about everything.

I’ve also had the luxury of time, which I haven’t experienced for the better part of 20 years. I’ve been able to pick up my kids from school every day, take the weekends off, and actually have a summer vacation…not a bad gig if you ask me!

For the first time in my adult life, I can say without hesitation, I love what I do. Making the decision to get my diploma at VanArts is up there with the greatest decisions of my life.”