VanArts News Article

VFX/Animation Studios Like BC Residents

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Are you living in BC (or want to move here) and still trying to figure out which career to choose?

If you’ve been following our blog for a while, you may already know that Vancouver has been deemed the world’s #1 hub for animation & visual effects or that tons of films are being shot here this year. But here’s one other little tidbit you might find interesting…

Recent updates on tax credits for qualified BC labour are making the hiring of BC residents & graduates very attractive to companies such as Sony Pictures Imageworks, Bardel Entertainment and hundreds of other local studios and media companies.

-A combination of the basic Film & Television tax credit (35%) and the expanded Digital Animation or Visual Effects (DAVE) credit (17%) make BC studios eligible for tax credits up to 52%. 

-BC artists will be in higher demand as studios have much to gain from hiring those who help make them eligible for the additional tax credit. 

Combine this with the beautiful scenery, vibrant film industry and high ranking of livability in our lovely city of Vancouver, and it’s a no-brainer. Studying in BC, whether you hail from here or move here as a student for a year or more, is a win-win…not only for yourself, but for the studio that hires you. And the small class sizes, industry-pro faculty and studio connections at VanArts are what will help you get started. 


Want to hear more? Talk to us today about auditing a class and let us tell you stories of our many graduates working in Animation & VFX right here in our own backyard.